Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 174: Alone

It rained almost all day today.  As I’m writing this (at 7:30 pm) the sun is shining hard on the lakehouse, but it is for the first time today.  In between downpours there have been windows of dry air, but never the sun. 

The largest window came around 2:30, and it was also the time Miles decided he was done “resting” and was ready for the beach.  Since the other boys were napping Miles and I decided to head to the beach for at least a bit of time before the rain showers returned.  When we got there Lake Michigan was glass and there wasn’t another soul within sight.  It was cloudy and cool.  It was amazing.  We ended up spending the entire afternoon there, and were later joined by Dustin and the other boys.  Still no one else showed up.  It was our beach for the day.  It made us feel special and important and no one fought the entire time.

Today I am thankful for that time truly alone as a family.

Eventually the storm clouds did roll in, and we did pack it all in for the walk back.  We made it back just in time to close the door behind us as the first drops fell out of the sky.