Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Thirty Day Challenge: Days 24 and 25

Journal Prompt #24:  Alright, today we are creating a Top 10 List.  This Top 10 list can be of anything!  This can be a Top 10 List that has already been established but that you want to document, or it can be a Top 10 list that you think up right this second!!

Journal Prompt #25:  "My wish for you..."  We all have dreams for our children, significant others, friends, and family.  Some of these wishes we can share with them while others we keep silent.  Today you are going to write out your wish for a specific person in your life.  You can be vague and keep in anonymous, or you can wish it out loud for them to see.  It's up to you!!


neitinomad said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

9. I so agree. I like rain and green grass, but too much is TOO MUCH.

Wendy V. said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

#8 hits home! I guess moving across the world does that for you!