Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Because Liam has a tendency to do cute things every once in awhile...

And we have been REALLY bad about recording it.  Soooooo...I put together a short little film of Liam cuteness...okay, so it's not short at all, but I've got a lot of time to make up for.
Things to look for....
His reading of "No David"
"Hey batter batter swing!"
His phone call to Cece (my mom)
Quirky habits and activities that often accompany him. 

Because remember how I used to post video's of Miles, our oldest all the time?  Like here, and here, and even here?  Well I've fell victim to the oldest vs. second oldest problems of less footage.  Don't worry Liam, we love you just as much, and I promise I'll make it up to you during your teenage years when I am more lenient with you after living through everything once with your brother first.  (Because isn't that truly what happens anyways with the second child?)  Everything has a way of evening out in the end.