Sunday, September 13, 2009

Featuring The FABULOUS fifteen month freak-outs

Things have been really busy around here for us. My classes started last week and that has consumed a lot of my thoughts as I prepare for me Final Review this winter. I found out that my thesis presentation will happen sometime between November 30 and December 16th......which would normally be just great if I wasn't due to have a baby on November 29th. Do you think that they give out pregnancy passes for MFA candidates?

Last weekend Dustin and I went to my dear friend, Rachel's wedding in Kansas City. It was so good to see friends from college and to get away with Dustin. My parents came out to stay with Miles and spoil him nonstop for the entire weekend even though we only went out for Sunday night. When we returned on Monday Miles had not napped, but was still having a great time (my parents were total softees). He had so much fun that he was completely exhausted. At about 4:30 he asked me to pick him up, and two minutes later he was asleep in my arms. What is a mother to do? I decided to wake him up, bath him, and then feed him, hopefully buying us some time. Through all of these activities he was on the verge of falling asleep (hence the mealtime video). However, the minute I put him in the crib, right after this movie, he proceeded to stay awake and talk to himself for about 30 minutes. I don't get it. Half the time I don't remember my head hitting the pillow.

On a side note, Miles seems to be tiptoeing around the "terrible twos" WAY too early. I worked with two year olds for a year and half and never really believed in the "terrible twos", but I now realize that a parent has to put up with an entirely different child than a teacher or daycare provider. I'm not sure what it is about 15 months, but I've read on other people's blogs about this crazy transformation that takes place at about that time. Why don't they ever write about that in books? Don't get me wrong....85% of the time Miles is still the fantastic little boy that giggles and runs around happy as can be. It is the other 15% that is killing me. I'm so glad that he has a mind of his own, and I should really consider myself blessed because the tantrums last literally 5-10 seconds, but they are still very frequent and exhausting. Truth be told they are mostly exhausting because they usually involve Miles throwing something down on the floor really hard - even something that he really likes (i.e. MONKEY) and then crying like I'm the one who did it. I usually just ignore these little "reflective moments", but there are times when I have to respond and pick the item up (i.e. my wallet in the aisle of Lowes). I keep telling myself that if Miles knew how hard it was for me to bend over right now and pick up something off the floor, then he wouldn't do this to his poor mom. However, I'm not convinced. So until I hear some sort of fantastic idea of how to keep these little tantrums - that absolutely stem from NOTHING (I'm not kidding - he's not ever really mad about anything when he starts them), then I guess we'll just keep ignoring them. Luckily Miles has a way of winning his mom and dad over immediately after he does something particularly defiant. I am a total sucker for his smile and a quick hug.

This second video is just a funny little one from a few days ago when Miles dug my sunglasses out of my bag. He has just discovered how much he LOVES his reflection - who can blame him?? He'll stare at himself as he turns circles in front of the microwave - his favorite reflective surface, and he'll even stare at himself as he throws a fit getting his diaper changed (there is a mirror right above his changing table). Here you can see Miles catch a glimpse of himself in the microwave and stop dead in his tracks. You even get a little glimpse of his future brother or sister as the camera swings around at one point. (Frankly, he/she is hard to hide these days.)

One more story: Today when we were driving to Lowes (we are re-tiling our downstairs shower - okay, DUSTIN is retiling our shower) I was trying to explain to Dustin how I feel like I've been "nesting" lately since it is the end of my pregnancy. He had no idea what that meant, so I explained to him that recently I want to organize everything and I keep wanting to renovate parts of our house, like the upstairs bathroom and such. I feel this overwhelming need to paint rooms and buy new furniture. After a second he looked over at me and said.... "Soooo...have you been pregnant for the last seven years?" Very funny Dustin.


Emily said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Oh, Tiff how I totally feel for you! I, too, was pregnant when Olivia was 15 months and starting with tantrums. It took me a while before I figured out how to react properly, and once I did, they became less frequent. Each child is different, but you've got it with ignoring. Olivia's stem from nothing as well. Once I realized that trying to reason with her during a tantrum was pointless, because she wasn't paying attention (yet attention was EXACTLY what she wanted) I stopped acknowlegding them. If she'd have one in a public place, we'd just leave, but I wouldn't try to calm her down. Many of her frequent tantrums began from trying to get her in the car. The more her vocabulary improved, the better she's been able to express her wants/needs. She still has some tantrums. I hope this helps some!