Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Open Day

On Sunday we held our annual Christmas Open Day here at Corrymeela. 
I say "annual" because it happens every year.
I say "we" meaning I was in charge of planning it. 
If you add up the total amount of times I've been to the Christmas Open Day and multiply it by the number of Open Days that have actually existed, the number would still be 0. 
So although I questioned continuously whether I was the best person for the job, I did it. 
I planned the big huge event the best I could with little knowledge of what was expected.  I only came across a few hiccups along the way, and had to do some major convincing when a few ideas of change came up. 
It was frustrating, and at times a bit overwhelming.
But at 2:30 pm on Sunday afternoon when one of my little "elves" ran into the Main House foyer and began whispering that Santa was coming I held my breath.
When the parents and children came running to see Santa drive in on the back of a lawn mower, I smiled.
And when Santa walked in the front door tweaking cheeks and giving high-fives I felt all sorts of warm fuzzies in my heart.
But when one of the volunteers sporatically broke into song....and everyone joined in....and Santa began dancing....I wanted to cry.

Because after months of hard work and blood, sweat, and tears, I remembered why this event is so important. 

And I just hope that everyone there felt as blessed at that moment as I did.