Okay, so the title of this post is misleading.... there is no baby bean to say hello to...yet. However, it has been a long time since I posted, and I have never really posted much about Miles' soon-to-appear brother or sister, so I thought I would do so tonight. The truth of the matter is that I am due in exactly one week and three days so I have been trying frantically to get some major things done. I have a few clients' photos that I am finishing and also my big final review - which is OFFICIALLY written and will be mailed out tomorrow!!!!! Yeah! Now all I have to do is present it and pass...no big deal. :)
I've also been dealing mentally of the reality of two babies that are only a year and half apart. I don't do well with change, and having two babies in less than 8 months is A LOT of change. However, I can't really think of a better way for us to do it. :)
So all that being said, here is the latest on the Baby Bean....
Here is the latest picture we've received of the little one - there isn't a whole lot of room in there so he/she is pretty smooshed. The woman running the ultrasound seemed a little freaked out by how big the baby was, which was oh so comforting for his or her poor mother. :) However, I can just figure that is less weight I will have to lose when it is all said and done - AND I've read somewhere that big babies are often times easier to deliver. I guess we'll see. Here you can see that he or she is sucking on their thumb - very crazy! These 3-D ultrasounds are so surreal.
Well, that is all I really have to share. I could complain about how hard it is to walk up stairs, or roll over in bed at night, but I'm just so happy to have two healthy babies that I refuse to do it....at least in writing. :)
So Baby Bean, if you can read my thoughts.....you can go ahead and come out now. Seriously.