Saturday, March 29, 2014

Day 88: Friends

Yesterday when I took my boys over to Tiff's house I was thinking that it was probably the only chance I'd get to see her, and I was hoping there would be an opportunity to see all of my girlfriends together as soon as possible.

Little did I know that it would happen TODAY.

When I get homesick, these are the friends I miss.  When I reminisce about my hometown and all of its awesomeness, I'm really just talking about these ladies.  When I think about a perfect dinner out, it would 100% include these amazing women that I rarely get to see.

I am so lucky that they are mine and that they love me.

Today I am thankful for deep, long-term, beautiful, "I knew you when....", friendships.

My heart tingles just thinking about them.


Michelle said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Thank YOU my talented friend! I'm so grateful to have you ladies in my life!