What an eventful weekend we had! We traveled to my hometown in Ohio to visit family and friends, some for the first time, and to celebrate Miles turning ONE! The first birthday in Korea is a big one, so we had to do it up right. Unfortunately we had to break his birthday in half because our two families live so far apart, but we'll be able to celebrate with all of the Fisher crew next weekend in Chicago.
On Friday we went to the Toledo Zoo with Tiff and Holden, who is getting to be so big and cute!

Here Miles is wearing his new sneakers from Grandma and Grandpa.
We also had a lot of milestones this weekend - mostly because my parents were all about giving Miles new experiences. Miles got to ride in the back of a bicycle with my Dad, and he took mor
e steps than ever! He'll soon be walking. He also learned how to actually go DOWN the stairs and how to give kisses and "oh dears" (which are hugs).
For his birthday my mom ordered a super cute monkey cake that was made to look EXACTLY like his favorite toy monkey. I'm surprised that he didn't try to gnaw this monkey's nose off like the other one. It even came with a little banana cake that he got to eat all by himself.
In traditional Korean fashion we had him choose from a variety of objects in order to determine what his future would be like. They included money (for wealth), string (for long life), and a pencil (for knowledge). Miles chose money, which I certainly can't complain about. :)
On Sunday evening we went over to our friends' John and Jaime's for a cook-out. It was good to see all of my friends from home and their little ones. Here Isaac is giving Miles and Hayden a ride in the Gator. It was cute because Isaac took his job as driver VERY seriously. :)