Well, I finally broke down and got Miles' hair cut. Dustin was in charge of the whole event and he did a great job supervising. It sounds like Miles also did a great job and didn't mind the haircut at all. Here you can see him during the cut and afterwards.....so handsome. :)

On Tuesday I left for school while Dustin and Miles were busy making (and at the same time eating) pancakes. I was so jealous and it was hard for me to leave the house knowing that they were there munching away on delicious pancakes while I was teaching students how to draw silly old Mandalas.
Miles has also been under the weather for a few days. Yesterday Aunt Carrie came by to see him and he fell asleep in her arms right after dinner. It was so sweet, but very out of character for such a busy little boy. I had to take a picture as proof.

Today he had to stay with Nana and Papa because he woke up with a fever, and as much as I want to, I can't afford to take any unnecessary sick days because of my upcoming maternity leave. It was also Dustin's first week of school so he couldn't take off either. They did a great job taking care of him. I was so excited to go pick him up after school because I was sure that he would want his "Mommy" since he wasn't feeling well. Come to find out I rate a distant second to Papa. Miles kept pushing me out of the way to get back to Papa. What a bummer!
On a side note, a few days ago in the mail we got a free sample newborn diaper for the most recent addition. Miles and I couldn't believe how small it was! I've never had a baby that would fit into this tiny little diaper, so it is hard to imagine. :)

This video is from a few days ago when Miles and I were waiting for Dustin in the Lowes parking lot. The best part of this video is of course my song-bird voice that you all get to enjoy now. :) It is definitely NOT how cute Miles is when he giggles.