Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 70: Kindness

This morning in the midst of a busy few hours of running around I decided to stop at the grocery store.  I had a list of things I needed to buy, and a specific amount of money in my pocket to do so.  I knew our final bill was going to be cutting it close, and so when the cashier gave me my charge I was pleased so see that I had the exact amount of cash, and I knew the change was sitting in my wallet.

At least I thought it was. 

I dug frantically looking for the final 24 cents and not finding it.  I knew at that moment I had to return something in my cart.  While I set to work figuring out what I needed the least the cashier started digging through his pockets.  When he found them empty, the rest of the people in line realized what was happening and each started digging in their pockets and purses for 24 cents.  People pulled out 10s and 1s, and finally someone shouted out that they had a quarter.

Of course by this point I was pretty embarrassed that a mere 24 cents was keeping me from buying all of my groceries, and that it had solicited the help of everyone in line to get me on my way.  But more than that I was thankful for the kindness everyone was showing.

Today I am thankful for the kindness shown by strangers.

It would have been easy for them to just go about their business.  The item was already technically out of my cart and "returned".  I didn't really need the bag of almonds I was trying to buy. 

Because of their kindness I was spared another trip to the store at a later date.  But more importantly their simple tiny 24 cent act of giving - just the act of looking through their bags - restored my faith in neighbors on this warm spring day.