Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day 64: Productive

I am (hopefully) coming to the end of a long stretch of days with very little productivity.  I'm not sure why I can't seem to catch up with anything I need to do.

Drowning is a good word to describe it, except that I feel super foolish saying it because I can't really figure out what I'm drowning in.  When I think about how busy I am at this moment in my life it makes me sad - because I never wanted to be this busy again.  But tell me, how to aspire to do things - to accomplish things - without sacrificing others?

Anyone?  Anyone?

But tonight I had a rare bit of catch-up time, and I can finally go to bed and feel like I've made a dent in the work for now.

I know so many of you know exactly what I'm talking about - this being busy stuff.

Stop. Breath.

Most of it has an end in sight, which is good.  Most of it, like the idea of raising three boys, doesn't.

Ah well, I guess it's what I signed on for.

Tonight I am thankful for a tiny bit of productivity in the midst of chaos.

And going to bed feeling like I may be getting something done.