I wanted to include some photographs from the Fisher Family Christmas since I haven't gotten to do that yet. We had a lot of fun getting together last week with the entire family for a few days, and Liam LOVED being held continuously. I don't think Dustin believed me when I told him we wouldn't need the monitor because we would never need to put Liam down, but of course I was right. (Story of my life.) :)

Miles with his new truck from Matt, Amy and the Boys. He LOVES it! Liam with his Great Grandma Kennell.
All of the Fisher Boys - that's a lot of testosterone we have to look forward to.
Wyatt holding Liam and Lincoln holding his favorite baby - Charlie!
Miles opening gifts.
According to my title I'm going to write about Cabin Fever. However, I really don't think that the worst has come yet. The boys and I haven't left the house in days. That is not like me, and apparently it doesn't really fit in with Miles' plans either. Everytime we have a visitor he tries to hold their hand, walk them to the door, and then make a run for it - barefoot and all. He's a sneaking little guy. :)
Yesterday Miles and I decided to build a fort under our dining room table - okay maybe I decided, but Miles was totally on board. :)
I just remember how much I loved making forts when I was little with my brothers, and my parents would even let us sleep in them overnight. It was definitely fun - for Miles. For me it was sweaty, uncomfortable, and maybe just a little fun when I saw how much fun Miles was having.
Here Liam is enjoying the fort also! You're never too little for some fort fun.
Two great feats - Miles is balancing his cup on his forearm and I'm doing my best to fit underneath a dining room table. (This was much harder than I remember for my early fort making fun.)
Overall it was fun, and made me appreciate the fact that I get to stay home, even if it is for this short amount of time. It also made me realize that I really do have a long way to get back into shape. Apparently lugging around a baby doesn't give you quite the workout I assumed I was getting all along. :)
More snow expected for tonight and tomorrow - who knows what we'll come up with next....maybe we'll actually go outside and get the mail!
mmmkay - virtual high five on not only building a fort with the beautiful children but getting in to it.
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