This is the face I see every morning. It doesn't matter if it is at 8:30am or 6:00am. I can hear Miles in there talking to himself - usually for about 20 minutes. When I walk in the room he is standing there smiling as big as can be, while Monkey lays limp - thrown on the floor. For some reason I got a morning person on my hands, which makes me even more of a morning person, because this has turned in to my favorite time of day.
so cute...melts my heart.
I can't wait to see (hopefully)Gabe's big grin in the morning.
This picture is adorable.
Sometimes (okay, most mornings) Jeff and I stand at Seth's door and just listen to him babble for a few minutes before getting him. It's the best!
Gotta love mornings. My Nyah is a mess until I come get her but as soon as she has her morning bottle, she is the most fun until nap time!
What a cutie!
We love to listen to Paul babble for a while in the morning as well.....unless he chooses to get up at 4:30 am!
And yes, we do have the same crib it appears....weird that we would pick the same crib AND stroller....great minds!
Katie M.
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