Saturday, November 29, 2014

Day 335: Off

Channeling my inner Mennonite Woman by making school kits this winter.

I remember this about the last time I had a full time teaching job - the pure joy one feels when multiple days off in a row lie ahead of you.  And now with my boys getting a bit older, the days off are more about relaxing, getting things done, and having fun than they are about surviving.  The great days of vacation have once again redeemed their glory.

I'm trying to get up the energy to decorate for Christmas this year.  Usually my family has barely cleaned up the Thanksgiving dishes and I'm pulling out ornaments without abandon.  But for some reason I'm hesitating this year.

I did pull out the tree from the basement - and then collapsed in a heap.  Which isn't as impressive as it sounds considering our tree is only as big as me.

Or maybe that is impressive - I can't decide.

Today I am thankful for days off of work, and that I have a job where I truly feel like I'm "of".