Thursday, May 1, 2014

Day 120: Clean-out

Today I finally got to empty my closet office (new term: offet) of all the things that small rooms in college art departments get used for when a person isn't sitting in them - outdated art materials.

For months I've been hunkered down between shelves and filing cabinets filled with slides and carousels, all of which are rendered useless without an actual projector - something I guess our department hasn't had for YEARS.  For every well-organized, thought-out, and labelled slide carousel I dumped into a garbage bag I thought sadly about the person before me (many many years before me) that must have put such thought and consideration into putting together these presentations for students. 

And every time I heaved a large garbage bag full of once-valuable slides I held my breath and prayed that my Art History professor would never know what I had done.

But all of this was soon replaced with a sense of lightness.  No, I mean actual light-ness, because I was no longer sitting in the shadows of stacked boxes.  Plus lightness of my soul I guess - less clutter and all that.

Today I am thankful for a little spring cleaning and how it lightened my mood. (And my office.)


Julie L. said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Amen, Tiffany! I get the same feeling each month when I volunteer at the Eureka Et Cetera Shop, armed with a box or two of stuff from our home. It's a great feeling!!


"Miss Julie"