Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Little Gangsta's Guide to Driving His Mom Nuts.

Are you familiar with this book?
We are.  Too familiar.
My sons love this book.  I think Miles wrote it in his past life.  Basically, it's about this boy (named David) who does naughty things and the entire book is his mother scolding him.  Things like climbing on counters to steal cookies, splashing water outside of the bathtub, and shoving too much food into his mouth.  In my world....amateur stuff.
But my boys love it.  Now when I'm reading it they make me say "No Liam!" or "No Miles!"  because they're so thrilled that an entire book was written almost entirely about their lives of crime.  In fact, we've started role-playing the parts that before now, weren't applicable to our lives. 
Let me give you an example.
Liam now insists on at least 10 good minutes after his bath when he can be "a little bit naked".  This involves him running and jumping around the house yelling "Come back here Liam!".  In his mind it looks like this....
 In reality it looks more like this...
And I, the mature adult in this situation, giggle the entire time.


Audieb said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

But seriously, could he BE any cuter? I don't think so...

I miss my little buddies!

Jill said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

We too have 'running around naked time' or at the very least, 'running around in our underwear time' before baths. And you're totally right - it is hilarious.